
Welcome to Lamb and Eivins Ancestry!  I was raised in southwest Iowa with most of my aunts, uncles and first cousins living in Union County, Madison County and Polk County.   I have been dabbling in genealogy on and off for most of my adult life.  My collection of documents, facts and photos have recently been augmented with newspaper clippings, older photos, funeral cards, birth announcements, etc that my mom and grandmother diligently saved.  This wealth of resources must be organized and shared!  What better way to achieve these goals than to build a website that can be accessed by family, extended family and those yet unknown cousins out there?

This site is essentially a virtual scrapbook that tells the story of my ancestors.  It will primarily focus on information on the following families:  Lamb, Emery, Smith, Miller, on the paternal side and Eivins, Bates, Klos, and Clark on the maternal side.  Additional ancestral families include:  Pounds, Fisher, Damon, Dake, Ruby, McCracken, Smith, Roush and Dean.  Information on these families will be added over the next few months.  New information will be added as it is discovered.  

Follow lambandeivinsancestry on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for updates on new content!

The Blog

While facts and dates can provide some insight to the person they really don’t tell the whole story.  It isn’t until you take into account the happenings and lifestyles of the time do you really get a sense for what their lives were like.  The blog will contain some posts that will help add to their stories.  

A second type of post will include information on research methods, experiences, and how some relationship connections were made.  

Lastly, I will blog about recipes I have tried from a couple of cookbooks from the 1920s and a few recipes of my grandmothers’.


The menu bar contains links to the primary family pages.  Each family page will contain a brief introduction to the 1st generation -- the oldest in the line that I have been able to verify -- and will have an outline of generations (family tree).  My direct ancestors are in bold.  I have not included offspring from indirect ancestors (aunts/uncles) in the family tree.  If a webpage has been developed for an individual it will be hyperlinked to the person listed on the family tree.  Additionally, an index of individuals with hyperlinks to their webpages is accessible by clicking "resources" found on the menu bar and then "index."