G1: Joseph Lamb > G2: Henry Lamb, Sr. > G3: Henry Lamb, Jr. > G4: Benjamin Lamb > G5: Hiram Lamb > G6: Iva (Lamb)Ahern

 Albert and Iva (Lamb) Ahern

Albert Ahern

(3/30/1870 - 1/12/1945)

Albert Ahern was born in Clarke County, Iowa on 3/30/1870. His parents, Michael and Ann Ahern were both born in Ireland. The family was Catholic. Albert was the oldest of 7 children.

Iva Belle (Lamb) Ahern

(9/8/1871 - 12/17/1953)

Iva Lamb was born on 8 September 1871, the 5th out of 6 children begotten by Hiram and Sarah (Emery)Lamb in Clarke County, Iowa.


Albert and Iva were married on 2 May 1901 in Clarke County, Iowa.


The couple had 1 child, Constance “Irene” Ahern, who died in a car crash in 1923 at the age of 21.

Family Tree

Ahern_Iva_ Family Tree.png


1880: Village of Murray, Clarke County, Iowa

1880 Census Header _Lamb_Hiram.png
Registers of births, etc, Iowa Washington: National Archives and Records  Service, General Services Administration; 1880_census; microfilm;  americana; us_census; genealogy; additional_collections; Reel 0332 -  1880 Iowa Federal Population Census Sc…

Registers of births, etc, Iowa Washington: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; 1880_census; microfilm; americana; us_census; genealogy; additional_collections; Reel 0332 - 1880 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Cerro Gordo (cont'd: ED 44, sheet 51-end), Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Clark (part: EDs 1-43, sheet 21) Counties; Internet Archive.com

1900 Census: Murray, Troy Township, Clarke County, Iowa

12th census of population, 1900 [microform] : Iowa; United States.  Census Office; Washington : National Archives and Records Service];  1900_census; microfilm; americana; us_census; genealogy;  additional_collections; Reel 424 - 1900 Iowa Federal P…

12th census of population, 1900 [microform] : Iowa; United States. Census Office; Washington : National Archives and Records Service]; 1900_census; microfilm; americana; us_census; genealogy; additional_collections; Reel 424 - 1900 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Chickasaw (cont'd: ED 33, sheet 12-end), Clarke, and Clay Counties; Internet Archive.com

News Items

Thos. Wier and Albert Ahern were nominated for constables. —  The Weekly Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, August 11th, 1898, Page 8 [1]

“Albert Ahern visited Des Moines Friday.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, August 31st, 1899, Page 5 [1]

Page 9 of The Murray News, published in Murray, Iowa on Thursday, January 3rd, 1901 [1]

Page 9 of The Murray News, published in Murray, Iowa on Thursday, January 3rd, 1901 [1]


“Marriage licenses were issued this week to Albert Ahern, 30, Iva Belle Lamb, 29;….” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, May 9th, 1901, Page 7 [1]

“Mrs. Albert Ahern had the misfortune to burn her hand badly Saturday evening while getting supper. It was caused by overturning hot grease.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, October 3rd, 1901, Page 8 [1]

“Albert Ahern took a drive to Grand River Saturday.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, November 14th, 1901, Page 8 [1]

“Albert Ahern our competent and efficient city marshal, did a clever piece of detective work last Monday evening which resulted in the capture of a Creston crook who sought refuge in our little city. Late in the evening he received word by wire giving a meager description of a burglar who was wanted at that place for breaking into the store of W. C. Scurr, and who was supposed to have come east. A close search revealed the fact that the suspect was not in Murray and Mr. Ahern made a close investigation of trains and upon the arrival of No. 14 his vigilance was rewarded and in a very few minutes after the train left he had the man in tow and had notified the officials at Creston of the capture. Deputy Sheriff Edaburn came down on No 12 and took the prisoner to Creston on the No. 11, where he will be held for trial. When quick work and good results are wanted it is always safe to call on Albert Ahern.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, March 27th, 1902, Page 10 [1]

“Land Tranfers: Albert Ahern to Sarah J. Lamb, lot 15, block 27, Murray, $1225.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, May 15th, 1902, Page 8 [1]

“Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahern have moved into their new house which they purchased of Dr. Sells.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, August 7th, 1902, Page 8 [1]

“A surprise was perpetrated on Mrs. Albert Ahern last Tuesday evening by the members of the Christian church. They gathered at the home of Mrs. J. D. Reynolds and Mrs. Ahern was invited over to spend the evening and walked into a house full of people. She was completely surprised. The members presented her with a handsome rocking chair. Marshal Ahern was sent for to preserve order, and when he arrived he was even more surprised than Mrs. Ahern. He soon recovered, however and entered at once into the spirit of the occasion. Parlor and lawn games were indulged in and the Misses Hallam rendered some very fine vocal music; and Miss Nellie McIntosh and Mrs. John Poil favored the assemblage with recitations. A requisition was made on the watermelon supply and a large quantity of this luscious fruit soon vanished from sight. The occasion was a very pleasant one and all seemed to enjoy themselves.” — Page  4 of Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, August 7th, 1902 [1]

“Mrs. Albert Ahern has accepted a position in the postoffice.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, February 5th, 1903, Page 8 [1]

“Land Transfers: J. B. Powers to Albert Ahern, lot 9, blk 36, Murray, $1000. — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 2nd, 1904, Page 8 [1]

“H. Lamb and son, Lou, and Albert Ahern were Osceola callers Tuesday.” — Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 30th, 1904, Page 8 [1]

“Real Estate Transfers: Albert Ahern to J. T. Burd lot 80, block 36 Murray $102.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, March 23rd, 1905, Page 8 [1]

“Burglars entered the residence of Albert Ahern of Murray Wednesday night and stole over $130 in money. In the absence of the County Attorney Sheriff Scott went up today, Thursday, to follow up on certain clues to the robbers.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 29th, 1905, Page 5 [1]

“Albert Ahern has bought Oscar Bishops’ residence and will move into it Wednesday.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, July 27th, 1905, Page 8 [1]

“Real Estate Transfers: Albert Ahern to Mary M. Royce part 6-7 block 16 Murray $527.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, August 17th, 1905, Page 8 [1]

“Real Estate Transfers: E A Trembley to Albert Ahern lot 6 7-10 block 32 Murray $505.” — The Osceola Democrat, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, October 4th, 1906, Page 5 [1]

"Miss Connie Ahern of Des Moines came Saturday evening for a short visit with her mother, Mrs. I Ahern. " — Page  7 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Wednesday, September 7th, 1921 [2]

"Mrs I Ahern visited Monday night in Murray." — Page  7 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Wednesday, September 7th, 1921 [2]

“Mrs. Ahern gave the first of her special dinners Sabbath and enjoyed a good patronage.” — Page  6 of Tingley Vindicator, published in Tingley, Iowa on Thursday, December 14th, 1922 [3]

“Mrs. Iva Ahern formerly of Murray, now of Shannon City, spent Decoration Day here with friends.” — Page 3 of Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 7th, 1923 [1]

“Shannon City, December 3 — Miss Contance Ahern, daughter and only child of Mrs Iva Ahern, landlady of the Palace Hotel here, was instantly killed last Thursday afternoon when the auto in which she and Miss Winifred Slayton were returning from Afton, skidded and turned over. The accident occurred some three miles south of Afton. Miss Slayton was caught under the care, but was not seriously injured. Parties soon found them as they were on the main traveled road. There were taken to Afton where the injured girl was cared for, and the body of Miss Ahern prepared for burial. From there she was taken to their former home in Murray, where funeral services were held on Sabbath afternoon. Quite a number of Shannon City people were in attendance. Mrs. Ahern has been here about a year conducting the hotel. The daughter came a few months later.” — Page  6 of Tingley Vindicator, published in Tingley, Iowa on Thursday, December 6th, 1923 [3]

“Mrs. Ahern, who had conducted the Palace Hotel in Shannon for more than a year, left for Des Moines Friday where she will make her home for the present.” — Page  6 of Tingley Vindicator, published in Tingley, Iowa on Thursday, December 13th, 1923 [3]

"Mr. Lamb of Des Moines, visited here last week with his sister, Mrs. Ahern and assisted her in fixing up the restaurant which she recently purchased." — Page  2 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, February 7th, 1924 [2]

"Mrs. H. L. Wiley and son of Des Moines, are visiting her mother Mrs. Lamb and her sister, Mrs. Ahern. " — Page  3 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, February 21st, 1924 [2]

"Mrs. Ahern, who was called to Louisville, KY., some time ago by the serious illness of her niece, returned home Thursday evening." — Page  6 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, October 1st, 1925 [2]

"W. C. Kelley and Mrs. Ahern were business callers in Creston Wednesday." — Page  8 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, November 5th, 1925 [2]

"Mrs. H. L. Wiley returned to her home in Des Moines the first of last week after a short visit here with her mother, Mrs. Lamb and her sister, Mrs. Ahern." — Page  8 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, March 18th, 1926 [2]

"Miss Winifred Slaton returned to her home in Des Moines last Monday after a few days' visit her with Mrs. Ahern." — Page  6 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, July 15th, 1926 [2]

"Miss Violet Mathews, who has been working her for Mrs. Ahern and Kelley in the restaurant, has quit work here and gone to northern Minnesota to visit with her parents." — Page  9 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, July 22nd, 1926 [2]

"Mrs. L. H. Wiley and son, Guy, of Des Moines, was here the latter part of last week helping care for her aged mother, who is gradually growing worse.  Mrs. Lamb is past 92 years of age." — Page  9 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, July 22nd, 1926 [2]

"Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Swabb of Murray visited here last Monday with Mrs. Ahern and her mother, Mrs. Lamb, who has been poorly for a long time and is failing fast." — Page  6 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, July 29th, 1926 [2]

"Miss Violet Mathews, who works here in the Kelly & Ahern Restaurant, visiting last week at the T. C. Corsbie home in Des Moines.  Miss Opal Lamm took her place in the restaurant during her absence. "— Page  10 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, March 3rd, 1927 [2]

"Saint Charles

Miss Ada Nixon of Hanley assisted Mrs. Ahern with her work in the restaurant last week while the Hatcher Players were here. "— Page  9 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, May 19th, 1927 [2]

"L.W. Lamb of Shannon City, visited here last Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Iva B. Ahern." — Page  9 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, September 8th, 1927 [2]

"It is said that E. E. Howard has rented the building formerly occupied by Kelley & Ahern and will open a restaurant as soon as it can be put in order." — Page  8 of Winterset Madisonian, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, November 10th, 1927 [2]

“Mrs. Happy Wiley and daughter, Blanche, and Mrs. Iva Ahern, all of Des Moines, were all here Decoration Day decorating the graves of relatives.” — Page 8 of Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 7th, 1928 [1]

“Mrs. Iva Ahern, Blanche and Guy Wiley, Mrs. H. Utley of Des Moines, Mrs. D. Brown and son Herbert of Omaha spent Decoration day here and visited the George Swabb home and with many Murray friends.” — Page 6 of The Osceola Tribune, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, June 5th, 1930 [1]

“Mrs. Iva Ahern of Terra Haute, Indiana and Miss Blanche Wiley, Miss Iva Scott and Miss Cross of Des Moines were guests in the home of and Mrs. W. S. Claver. They called on other friends in the afternoon.” — Page 2 of Osceola Sentinel, published in Osceola, Iowa on Thursday, July 25th, 1946 [1]


The Osceola Tribune, published in Osceola, Iowa on Tuesday, January 16th, 1945, Page 1 [1]

The Osceola Tribune, published in Osceola, Iowa on Tuesday, January 16th, 1945, Page 1 [1]

The Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Thursday, December 24, 1953, Page 5 [1]

The Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Thursday, December 24, 1953, Page 5 [1]

The Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Thursday, December 24, 1953, Page 2 [1]

The Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Thursday, December 24, 1953, Page 2 [1]


  1. Advantage Archives, Advantage Preservation, Osceola, Iowa: http://osceola.advantage-preservation.com/

  2. Advantage Archives, Advantage Preservation, Winterset, Iowa: http://winterset.advantage-preservation.com/

  3. Advantage Archives, Advantage Preservation, Tingley, Iowa: http://tingley.advantage-preservation.com/