Fredrick and Minnie (Clark) Klos 

G1: Reinhart Klos > G2: Fred L. Klos

Fredrick Lewis Klos

2/15/1874 - 10/18/1956

Fred Klos was born on February 15, 1874 in Jasper County, Iowa to Reinhart Klos and Josephine Smutz. Fred had two half-sisters (Mary and Anna Klos)from his father’s first wife, three half-sisters (Mary, Lucinda, and Catherine Hummel) and one half-brother (John Hummel)from his mother’s first husband, and one sister (Paulina Klos)and two brothers (Frank and Benedict Klos).

G1: William Clark > G2: John F Clark > G3: George W. Clark > G4: Minnie Clark

Minnie Ethel (Clark) Klos

7/29/1881 - 5/14/1959

Minnie Clark was born on July 29, 1881 in Monroe County, Iowa. Her parents were George William Clark and Harriet “Sarah” Roush. Minnie was one of 14 children of George Clark. George had seven children by his first wife, Rachel, and seven with his second wife, Sarah.

Minnie’s family consisted of two step-sisters (Lucinda and Lora), five step-brothers (Fieldon, John, George, Uriah, and Thomas), four brothers (William, Jonas, Jasper and Robert) and two sisters (Jane and Rachael “Josephine”). There was quite a difference in age between Minnie and her older step-siblings. Fieldon and Lucinda had already reached adulthood and left the household by the time Minnie was 4-years of age.

Minnie was just shy of 6-years old, when tragedy struck. Her mother, age 38, died. As it would have been difficult for a widowed man to raise such a large brood of children, several of the younger children, including Minnie, were “let out” to other families. Gurnsey and Martha “Harriet” Andrews, a couple who lived in the area, took Minnie into their family and raised her to adulthood.



Klos_Fred and Minnie Marriage.png

Fred and Minnie were married on January 3, 1901 in Jasper County, Iowa.


  1. Pauline Maude Klos: Born on 23 October 1901 in Red Lake County, Minnesota; Married Glen Campbell on 14 October 1925 in Madison County, Iowa; Died on 22 August 1993 in Winterset, Iowa; Buried in Moon Cemetery, Macksburg, Iowa

  2. Josephine Mae Klos: Born on 24 October 1901 in Red Lake County, Minnesota; Married Claude Eivins 14 June 1922 in Winterset, Iowa; Died 31 January 1975 in Creston, Iowa. Buried in Moon Cemetery, Macksburg, Iowa

  3. Florence Edith Klos: Born on 14 March 1903 in Minnesota; Married Clarence Walker on 16 February 1921 in Des Moines, Iowa; Died 3 August 1983 in Knoxville, Iowa; Buried in Silent City Cemetery, Monroe, Iowa

  4. Viola Violet Klos: Born on 3 October 1904 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Lyle McKee on 21 December 1921 in Creston, Iowa; Married A. L. “Mop” Mayes on 6 November 1954 in Greenfield, Iowa; Died on 9 April 1995 in Creston, Iowa; Buried in Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, Iowa

  5. Zeldas Agnes Klos: Born on 18 November 1905 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Dale McKee on 18 June 1924; Died in December 1979 in California; Buried in Inglewood Cemetery, Inglewood, Los Angeles County, California

  6. Floyd Ernest Klos: Born on 19 February 1908 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Crystal Wick on 10 November 1930; Married Lavilla Terwilliger on 4 August 1938; Died on 7 July 1990; Afton Cemetery, Afton, Iowa

  7. Velma Helen Klos; Born on 18 October 1910 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Forest “Bud” McVay on 15 June 1927 in Madison County, Iowa; Died on 26 May 1997 in Lenox, Iowa; Buried in Moon Cemetery, Macksburg, Iowa

  8. Dorothy Marjory Klos: Born on 15 January 1913 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Peter Lauer on 22 June 1932 in Omaha, Nebraska; Died 4 November 2010 in Creston, Iowa; Buried in the Hill of Zion cemetery, Zion, Adair County, Iowa

  9. Inez Irene Klos: Born on 31 May 1915 in Jasper County, Iowa; Married Max E. Stickels on 7 October 1933 in Des Moines, Iowa; Died 3 August 2004 in Creston, Iowa; Buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Afton, Iowa

  10. Unnamed infant: Born and died in 1917 in Jasper County, Iowa; Buried in the Monroe Cemetery, Monroe, Iowa

  11. Clarice Fredia Klos: Born 27 July 1919 in Iowa; Married Frank Porter on 6 January 1937; Died 12 August 1991 in Henderson, Nevada; Buried in Palm Mortuary Memorial Park, Henderson, Clark County, Nevada



1880 Federal Census - Fairview Township, Jasper County, Iowa [5]

In 1880 Fred is 7 years old and living with his parents; his half-sister, Anna; sister, Paulina; brothers, Benedict and Frank; and half-brother, John Hummel; and his maternal grandfather, Adam Shmutch (or Smutz).

1895 Iowa Census: Fairview township, Jasper County, Iowa [9]

In 1895 Fred was living with his brother Frank and Frank’s wife, Laura (Clark) and their daughter Ida. Ben, Fred and Frank’s other brother was also living in the same household.

1900 Federal Census: Fairview Township, Jasper County, Iowa [7]

In 1900 Minnie was living with her foster parents in Fairview Township, Jasper County, Iowa

1910 Federal Census: Fairview Township, Jasper County, Iowa [10]

This census header was included to ease the ability to read the actual header below.

1920 Federal Census: Grandriver Township, Madison County, Iowa [11}

1930 Federal Census: Grandriver Township, Madison County, Iowa [12]

1940 Federal Census: Orient, Orient Township, Adair County, Iowa [13]

1950 Federal Census: Orient, Orient Township, Adair County, Iowa [14]


Minnie Clark Klos, age 7. Photo was taken in 1888. [1]

Minnie Clark Klos.jpg

L>R: Dorothy, Zelda, Florence, Josephine, Velma, Pauline, Minnie, Clarice (in front), Viola, Fred, Inez and Floyd


Sitting is Fred and Minnie Klos. Daughters L>R: Pauline Campbell, Florence Walker, Viola Mayes, Dorothy Lauer, and Josephine Eivins ~~ photo taken about 1952 or 1953.

Sitting is Minnie and Fred Klos. Daughters standing L>R: Viola Mayes, Inez Stickels, Florence Walker, Pauline Campbell, and Josephine Eivins

Minnie (Clark)and Fred Klos [1]

Minnie (Clark) and Fred Klos

Minnie (Clark) and Fred Klos [1]

Minnie (Clark) and Fred Klos

Minnie (Clark) Klos birthday celebration [1]


Fred Klos [1]

Fred and Minnie (Clark) Klos [1]


Minnie (Clark) Klos [1]



This note is written by Josephine (Klos) Eivins. [1] Fred Klos did indeed play the violin.


The Klos Family

Fred and Minnie (Clark) Klos came to the Macksburg area from Monroe, Jasper County, Iowa about 1919 with eight of their ten children. The two older daughters [Pauline and Josephine] were working out. They settled on a farm in section twenty-eight of Grand River township. Fred was busy providing for the family but he took time out to play ball with them. Using the barn as a backstop, he would hit fly balls and the children would try to see who could retrieve the most balls.

When Minnie was young her mother died and the father let the children out to whoever wanted them. After marriage and having a family of her own she was a very busy woman. Of course there was a lot of housework but with nine daughters she sewed and sewed. As most other homemakers she raised chickens, had a garden and stored foods for the winter.

At butchering time she helped care for the meat which included cutting it up, grinding sausage and canning or frying it and putting it in a large stone jar and covering it with fryings or lard. The bacon and hams were cured and smoked. Some of the meat was canned, especially the beef and memory brought to mind the wonderful flavor of canned beef. After they had taken care of the meat, the time came to render the lard which was done in a huge iron kettle over a bonfire. Then in the same kettle soap was made from the cracklings.

Fred liked to be organized or have a routine. Meals were on time and everybody sat down together for breakfast. Then each went about his or her assigned chores. Inez like the out of doors so she had outside chores. Dorothy was delegated to help with the cooking and household duties. They understood they were to do as told, whether they liked the job or not.

One of the family projects in the spring was to plant potatoes with a second planting later for winter use. Again in the fall the family worked together. With a team and a potato plow, Fred would plow the potatoes out and all hands available helped pick them up and store them in bins in the cave.

Fred cut wood from timber for fuel for the heating and cook stoves. After several of the neighbors had cut their wood, someone would come in with a saw. Usually it was the children who carried in the wood and some cobs from the feed lot. The cobs were used to start the fires.

Like most farm families they milked cows in order to have milk, cream and butter for their use and some cream to sell. Then they had money to buy a few things they needed from the grocery store. Minnie and the children helped when needed. Then the milk had to be separated, the cream stored in a cool place, the separator washed and the butter churned when needed.

The Klos farm joined the McKee farm and sometimes the bull would get over the fence and get into the neighbor’s pasture. The bull wasted no time trying to get back home as Fred would pick up his shot gun when he went after the critter. The bull seemed to know, probably from experience, that a man with a gun meant to get back where you belong — at once.

On the farm there was a cave which was put to good use. Depending one the year there might be ten to twenty bushels of potatoes in the bins as well as many bushels of apples which had been picked from their orchard. The cave also held many other goodies. There were rows of canned vegetables, fruit and perhaps some kraut. There was a basement under a portion of the house where more things were stored as well as a hand pump so that water could be pumped from an outside well to a pressure tank. In this way they had running water in the house.

The John McKee family lived on a adjoining farm. They had an ice house. When the ice was frozen several inches thick, John and Fred went to Grand River and cut ice with a big hand ice saw. It was hauled to the ice house and packed with sawdust so it wouldn’t thaw.

During the summer the men would exchange work, especially during in the haying season. On occasion they would make ice cream. Being big men, they would each finish off several bowls but there was always enough for the rest of the families also.

For transportation the Klos family had a Studebaker, one of those that had extra seats that pulled down. Of course other means of travel were necessary when the roads were muddy or in the winter when there was snow. At those times, they used a wagon, carriage or bob-sled.

One day in the spring, Mr. and Mrs. Klos, Dorothy and Inez were going to Macksburg, when the roads were really muddy. Fred didn’t really want to go as he didn’t feel too well, but Minnie thought they should go as she was to pick up some hatching eggs from her daughter’s flock. The eggs wouldn’t hatch if proper care wasn’t taken. The mud rolled up on the wheels of the carriage so they had to stop occasionally to rest the horses. When they came to Charley Blairs, Fred had some kind of spell and passed out. Neighbors always helped neighbors, so Blairs brought out a cot and a cold drink of water. While Minnie helped him around, Dorothy and Inez drove on to Macksburg to get the eggs.

The younger children went to school at Grand River No. 8 which was south of Macksburg. Inez too some of the eighth grade examinations at Macksburg and some at Winterset. They attended the Macksburg High School but they weren’t in the consolidated district, so Fred paid the bus driver to haul his children. Even then they had to walk a mile or more to catch the bus.

About 1932 the family moved to a farm some distance west and the next year they moved north of Macksburg. In 1937 they retired to Orient. Fred died in 1956 and Minnie in 1959 and they were buried in the Monroe cemetery.” [6]

Pauline and Josephine’s Birth Story as told to me by Elsie Lamb

Fred and Minnie Klos were living in Minnesota; no relatives lived near. Minnie was pregnant and about to deliver so someone went to fetch the doctor, who was found in a local tavern. He dutifully came and delivered a healthy baby girl, Pauline Maude Klos, on 23 October 1901. Minnie told the doctor that she thought there was another baby but, as she was a first time mother and he might have wanted to get back to other activities, the doctor poo-pooed such a notion and left. Minnie, still feeling as if there was another baby, insisted that a midwife come from a different local village/town. Sure enough, when the midwife came she helped Minnie deliver her second healthy daughter, Josephine Mae Klos, on 24 October 1901. The twins were fraternal (not identical).



“The stockholders of the Bob White telephone company held their annual meeting at the Fred Klos home Monday night.  New officers were elected.
Mrs. Forest Porter, who is teacher at No. 8, spent Thursday night at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, January 25, 1922, Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee spent Sunday at the parental Fred Klos home.
Miss Josephine Kloss returned from the W. A. Busch’s Sunday.
Fred Klos was an Afton caller Friday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, February 1, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee spent Sunday at the parental Fred Klos home.
Miss Josephine Kloss returned from the W. A. Busch’s Sunday.
Fred Klos was an Afton caller Friday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, February 1, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Fred Klos was an Afton caller Friday evening.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, February 15, 1922, Page 2 [2]

“Mrs. Fred Klos called at the C.M. Thomas home Tuesday afternoon.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, March 1, 1922, Page 2 [2]

“Mrs. Fred Klos spent Wednesday with Mrs. Chas. Garrett.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, March 15, 1922, Page 8 [2]

“Miss Josephine Klos spent Sunday evening at home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKee spend Sunday evening at the Fred Klos home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Creston callers Saturday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, April 5, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Fred Kloss went to Lorimor Tuesday afternoon to meet his daughters from Monroe. 
Mrs. Florence Walker and son, Raymond and Miss Pauline Kloss of Monroe, spent the past week at the parental Fred Kloss home.
Mrs. Fred Kloss and daughters spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Lyle McKee.
Mrs. Lyle McKee spent Friday at the parental Fred Kloss home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss took their daughters to Lorimor Friday to take the train for their home in Monroe.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, April 12, 1922, Page 5 [2]

“Jack Clark’s spent Sunday at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, April 19, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“John Clark’s spent Sunday at the Fred Klos home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss were Afton callers Friday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, April 26, 1922, Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. J.L. McKee spent Sunday at the parental Fred Klos home.
Josephine Klos spent Saturday night and Sunday at her home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, May 3, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritter and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee spent Sunday evening at the Fred Klos home.
Mabel Thomas called at the Fred Klos home Thursday afternoon.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, June 7, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Mrs. Spits and son Joe and wife and baby, from near Monroe spent Saturday and Sunday with the former’s brother, Fred Klos. 
Miss Pauline Klos came Tuesday from Monroe to spend the rest of the week at the parental Fred Klos home and also to be present at the wedding of her twin sister, Miss Josephine Klos.
Claude Eivins and Miss Josephine Klos were married in Winterset Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Rogers.  A wedding supper was given at the home of the bride’s parents.  The immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present.  All wish them a happy married life.”  ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, June 21, 1922, Page 4 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claud Eivins Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McKee and son Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and family visited at the Lyle McKee home Sunday.
Fred Klos was an Afton caller on Thursday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, June 28, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Afton callers Saturday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, July 6, 1922, Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and children were Creston and Afton callers Saturday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, July 27, 1922, Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee spent Sunday at the parental Fred Klos home.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Webster township, spent Sunday at the parental Fred Klos home.  Miss Thelma Klos, who has been visiting them for the past two weeks, returned home and Miss Dorothy accompanied them home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, August 10, 1922, Page 4 [2]

“Fred Klos was a Lorimor caller on Saturday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, August 17, 1922, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark were guests at the Fred Klos home Sunday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, August 31, 1922, Page 7 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins spent Thursday at the parental Fred Klos home.  Mrs. Klos is under the doctor’s care and is quite sick.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, March 13, 1924, Page 9 [2]

“Klos - McKee
Miss Zelda Klos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Dale McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKee of Lorimor, were married this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Homer Baumgardner.” ~~Creston Daily Advertiser’ Creston, Iowa; June 18, 1924; Page 15 [4]

“On Wednesday, June 18th, at 2 p.m. in Creston, occurred the marriage of Miss Zelda Klos and Mr. Dale McKee, Rev. Homer Baumgardner of the M. E. Church officiating.  They will be at home to their friends on his father’s farm.  Their friends wish them much happiness.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Wednesday, June 26, 1924, Page 7 [2]


“The Claude Eivins family spent Saturday at the Fred Klos home.
Frank Klos and family of Newton came New Years for a visit with his brother, Fred Klos and family.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, January 8, 1925, Page 8 [2]

Grand River School Township:  Director, Fred Klos, Winterset, Iowa ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 8, 1925, Page 7 [2]

Klos-Campbell marriage [Pauline Klos and Glen Campbell] ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 15, 1925, Page 1 [2]

Grand River School Township:  Director, Fred Klos, Winterset, Iowa ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 7, 1926, Page 7 [2]


“2245 Fred Kloss, Lorimor, Ford”  Under Car Registration Madison County ~~ The Winterset News, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, February 10th, 1927, Page 8 [2]

Grand River School Township:  President, Fred Klos, Lorimor, Iowa
Director, Winterset, Iowa ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, September 22, 1927, Page 8 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee, of Newton, are visiting at the parental McKee and Kloss homes.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 28, 1928, Page 9 [2]

“Mrs. Josephine Kingery, of Monroe, came Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Klos, and family.” ~~ Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, September 13, 1928, Page 4 [2]

“Mrs. Fred Klos was called to Monroe Saturday by the serious illness and death of her mother, Mrs. Andrews.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 4, 1928, Page 9 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenlief and son Lloyd, spent Sunday south of Macksburg at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 30, 1929; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lester Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Augustine and family of Los Angeles, California, were Sunday dinner guests at the Lyle McKee home.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 10, 1929, Page 3 [2]

“Mrs. W. J. Wilson was returning to her home last Wednesday evening and had what might have been a very serious accident.  The car hit a rut and in some manner turned over on its side.  Mrs. L. A. Conway’s wrist was broken and other were shaken up.  Mrs. Charles Garrett, Mrs. Kloss and Mrs. Baiers were also riding with her at the time of the accident.  No damage was done to the car and after it was righted Mrs. Wilson drove on home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, November 14, 1929, Page 8 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Oren Thomas were visitors in Leon, on last Friday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, March 20, 1930, Page 5 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, July 17, 1930, Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klas attended a family picnic in Omaha Sunday.  They expect to visit other places in Nebraska before their return.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, August 21, 1930; Page 3 [2]

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and family returned Monday from Nebraska where they had been visiting relatives.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, September 4, 1930, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritter entertained Wednesday evening at their home, the occasion being their 23rd wedding anniversary.  Those who were present included:  Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porter and sons, Willie and Edwin, Worth Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Silverthorn and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mobley, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mobley, Mr. and mrs. Marion Ritter and Mr. and Mrs. Oren Thomas and son Charles.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 9, 1930, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son were Sunday visitors at the Fred Kloss home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, November 20, 1930, Page 4 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark and Mrs. Fred Kloss and daughter, Clarice, drove to Monroe Saturday for a visit with relatives.  They returned home Sunday.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, January 15, 1931, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and daughter, Mrs. Josephine Eivins, drove to Des Moines Thursday to attend the funeral of Mr. Kloss’ sister.”  [half-sister who died was Anna (Klos) Spitz] ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, March 19, 1931, Page 3 [2]

“Several ladies from here drove over to Winterset Monday to attend a picnic at the City park as guests of the Winterset W. R. C.   Those going were: …. Mrs. Fred Kloss….” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 18, 1931, Page 3 [2]

“The Kloss family reunion was held on Sunday, August 16, at the Fred Kloss home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, August 20, 1931, Page 8 [2]

Clark family reunion write up. ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, August 20, 1931, Page 6 [2]

“Mrs. Fred Kloss spent last week at Newton with relatives.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, August 27, 1931, Page 8 [2]

“The Needlecraft club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Klos.  Mrs. John McKee and Mrs. Klos were the hostesses.  The afternoon was spent piecing quilts.  The next meeting will be held at the Dale McKee home with Mrs. Lyle McKee and Mrs. Dale McKee as hostesses.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, September 24, 1931, Page 3 [2]

“The Needle Craft club met on Wednesday, September 16th, at the home of Mrs. Fred Kloss.  Mrs. J. L. McKee assisted her.  The next meeting will be with Mrs. Dale McKee.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 1, 1931, Page 3 [2]

“The senior class enjoyed a class party at the Fred Klos home Friday evening with Miss Ruth Stromston as their sponsor.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, October 29, 1931, Page 3 [2]


“The Needle Craft club and their families had a roast chicken dinner at the Fred Kloss home on Tuesday, January 26th.  This dinner was for the families that are moving this spring.  There were 17 family present.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, February 4th, 1932, Page 7 [2]

“Seventeen families of the Needlecraft club of West Branch went Tuesday with baskets to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, where they spent the day.  The dinner was in honor of the members of the club who are moving March first.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, February 4, 1932, Page 2 [2]

Many families moving in March.  Article lists them.  Include:  “Fred Klos and family moved to the Wenzel farm, Mrs. Wenzel moving to Creston.” [Moving Day article also on pages 1 & 5 of same issue.] ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, March 10, 1932, Page 3

“Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark and Mrs. Fed Klos drove to Monroe Saturday, being called by the death of a brother.”  [William Silas Clark] ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, May 12, 1932, Page 2 [2]

“The Needle Craft club of West Branch entertained at a miscellaneous shower Saturday in honor of Mrs. Pete Later at the one of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.  Mr. Lauer and Dorothy Kloss were married last week in Omaha.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 30, 1932, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family spent Sunday at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, August 11, 1932, Page 2 [2]


“The Needle Craft club had a pot luck dinner at the home of Mrs. Fred Kloss with Mrs. Roy Lauer assisting her.  There were eighteen ladies present and the day was spent quilting.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, January 26, 1933, Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss entertained their neighbors at a party at their home Monday evening.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, February 2, 1933, Page 3 [2]

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and family moved from the farm south of town to the John Eivins place northwest of town.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, March 2, 1933, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Later, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy McVay and children spent Sunday at the Fred Kloss home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, April 27, 1933, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Clarice and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and children and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son Wyman spent Sunday at the Dale McKee home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, May 18, 1933, Page 3 [2]


“A birthday party was given in honor of Nina Grandfield at the Fred Klos home Sunday evening.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, March 15, 1934, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Booneville and Mr. and Mrs. P. Lauren of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and children were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 14, 1934, Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son Wyman spent Sunday at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 14, 1934, Page 5

“The Needlecraft club met with Mrs. Floyd Claypool on Wednesday June 20th.  Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mrs. R. C. Graham were assisting hostesses.  The day was spend quilting.” ~~Winterset Madisonian, Winterset, Iowa, Thursday, June 28, 1934, Page 6 [2]

"The Clark reunion was held Sunday at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Winterset News, Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, August 16, 1934; Page 2 [2]

“Clark Reunion Held Monday Aug. 13” [full write up on attendees] ~~ Jasper County Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, September 6, 1934; Page 4 [3]

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Booneville, visited several days last week with Mrs. Stickles’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~ Winterset News, published in Winterset, Iowa on Thursday, November 8th, 1934, Page 2 [2]


Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son, Wyman, MR. and Mrs. L. Louers and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and daughter, Clarice.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, June 13, 1935; Page 4 [2]

“Several relatives and friends of Mrs. Fred Kloss went to her home on Sunday evening to remind her of her birthday.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, August 1, 1935; Page 3 [2]

“Clarice Klos was taken to the hospital in Winterset on last Monday where she underwent an operation for appendicitis.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, November 14, 1935; Page 11 [2]


"Fred Klas was a business caller in Winterset Friday.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, February 6, 1936; Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and daughter of Macksburg spent Sunday at the Tom Clark home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 27, 1936; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, August 6, 1936; Page 6 [2]

“Clarice Kloss spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.  On Sunday they entertained a group of relatives in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee of California.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, October 22, 1936; Page 3 [2]

“The Needlecraft club held a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. John McKee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson.  McKees are leaving soon for California to make their home.  Those invited besides the members of the cub were Mr. and Mrs. John Byers of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McKee.” ~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, November 26, 1936; Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lowers [Lauer] and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, December 17, 1936; Page 10 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark spent Sunday afternoon at the Fred Klos home near Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 23, 1937; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Macksburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 21, 1937; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of near Macksburg spent Sunday at the Buddie McVay home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 28, 1937; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark spent Sunday at the Fred Kloss home near Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 15, 1937; Page 16 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of near Macksburg were Sunday dinner guests at the Tom Clark home.  All spend the afternoon at the J. L. Clark home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 15, 1937; Page 3 [4]


“Mrs. Frank Porter and baby of California came last week where they will be guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 24, 1938; Page 2 [2]

Picnic Dinner Honors Guests
A picnic dinner was held at McKinley park Sunday as a courtesy for Mr. and Mrs. John Clark their daughter-in-law all of Rockwell City, Iowa.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenleif and son, Lloyd George Gwinner and Mrs. Grace Bell of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee and son, Mrs. Minne Klos of Macksburg; Mrs. Josie Kingery of Newton; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and family of Greenfield; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gwinner and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family all of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 4, 1938; Page 3 [4]

“Mrs. Frank Porter and son left Friday for her home in California after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and other relatives.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, October 19, 1938; Page 8 [2]

“Fred Klos went to Iowa City Friday for medical treatment.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, November 24, 1938; Page 3 [2]


“Sale Dates
Jan 17 - Closing out sale by Fred Klos on farm two miles north and one mile east of Macksburg at 12 o’clock noon.  Livestock, farm machinery and grain.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, January 12, 1939; Page 1 [2]

“A closing out sale was held at the home of Fred Klos, Tuesday, Jan. 17.  Mr. and Mrs. Klos will move to Orient next week where they have bought a property.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, January 26, 1939; Page 2 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos moved to Orient this past week where they expect to make their home.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Thursday, February 2, 1939; Page 3 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark.  In the afternoon they motored to Winterset to see Lyle McKee who is in the hospital there following a car accident.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 25, 1939; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient were Sunday evening callers of their daughter, Mrs. Lyle McKee and family.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, December 13, 1939; Page 8 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Mina Cramer, Mrs. Viola McKee and son Gene of Orient were here on Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Campbell.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, April 3, 1940; Page 9 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and children of near Lorimor visited Sunday at the Fred Kloss home and with Mrs. Ada Stickles.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 25, 140; Page 8 [4]

“A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Fred Loss Sunday.  Her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and family, Viola and Jean [Gene] McKee of Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans and family of Macksburg, Pete Lauer and family of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 31, 1940; Page 16 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Kloss gave a pleasant afternoon Wednesday to the women of the Kensington club.  She served refreshments at the close of the party.  Mrs. Dora Lauer was a guest of the club.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 26, 1940; Page 5 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos entertained a number of relatives at their home Sunday.  The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and family, of Prairie City; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans, of Macksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family, of Lorimor; Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels, and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and family, Viola McKee and Gene; and Mr. and Mrs. Buddy McVay and family, of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 1, 1941; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos attended a family picnic in Creston on Sunday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 22, 1941; Page 5 [4]

“The annual ice cream social of the Needlecraft club members and their families was held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kingery.  There were 100 present.  Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee of California, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient were present.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 6, 1941; Page 9 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenlief and Mrs. Grace Bell attended the Clark family reunion at Des Moines Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee, from California, were callers at the Fred Klos home Saturday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 12, 1941; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee left for their home in Los Angeles Sunday after spending a few weeks here with Mrs. McKee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Wanda McKee of Creston returned to California with them.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 19, 1941; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Dale McKee of California, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doty. ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 20, 1941; Page 5 [2]


Clark family reunion write up. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 11, 1943: Page 7 [4]


“Mrs. Fred Klos was a Wednesday guest at the Tom Clark home near Zion.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 3, 1944; Page 3 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and children visited Sunday at the Fred Klos and Ada Stickels home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 5, 1945; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell entertained a group of relatives and friends at their home Sunday, honoring Mrs. Frank Porter of Las Vegas, Nev., and Mrs. Lyda McKee of Los Angeles, Calif.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and children, Evelyn, Lee and Elsie May of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Norman and Kenneth of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels, Betty, Freddie and Donald of Cromwell, Mrs. Frank Porter and sons Frankie and Jimmie of Las Vegas, Nev., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Campbell of Saint Charles, D. L. Campbell and the Misses Minnie, Dorothy and Carol Campbell of Winterset, Ralph Herren, and Fred Schutz.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 1, 1945; Page 5 [2]


“The Kensington club met at the home of Mrs. Frank James Wednesday afternoon with 15 members present.  Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting.  The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Kloss.

“Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and family of Afton were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 15, 1946; Page 6 [4]

“Orient Resident Honored at Dinner
Mrs. Fred Klos entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of her husband’s 72nd birthday; also the birthday of a grandson, Harold Evans, who recently was discharged from the armed forces.  Those included in the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans, Elsie and Lee of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hepker, of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell, Dorothy and Carol of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Norman and Kenneth of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels, Betty Jo, Freddie and Donald,  of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and family of Afton.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 19, 1946; Page 3 [4]

“Mrs. Bob McVey and daughter of near Creston are visiting at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 18, 1946; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Bud McVay announce the arrival of a daughter March 20.  She has been named Kathryn Marie.  Mrs. McVay and baby are at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 26, 1946; Page 3 [4]

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos entertained at dinner Sunday the following: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and family of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans and family of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and family of Creston, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Cromwell.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 9, 1946; Page 4 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Klos is at the Max Stickels home near Nevinville, helping care for her new grandson.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 4, 1946; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos entertained several guests Sunday.  The occasion was a father’s day get together.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 18, 1946; Page 8 [4]

Wyman McKee MIA, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, June 19, 1946; Page 1 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and children spent Sunday in Orient at the Fred Kloss home.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, June 19, 1946; Page 11 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Orient spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, July 24, 1946; Page 8 [2]

“Bob Clark of Nebraska is visiting at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 9, 1946; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos attended the Clark family reunion Sunday in Winterset.  There were about a hundred present.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 15, 1946; Page 8 [4]

“The guests at the Fred Klos home for Sunday were Mrs. Anna Thomas of Mason City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and children and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ramsdell and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. James and Lelia and Ronnie Holcomb spent the evening at the Fred Klos home Sunday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 18, 1946; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins spent Tuesday evening at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, October 16, 1946; Page 10

"The Kensington club met at the home of Birdie Gibson Wednesday afternoon.  The next meeting will be at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 22, 1946; Page 6 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos enjoyed having their children and their families home for Christmas Day.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 3, 1947; Page 8 [4]

“Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stickles of Nevin.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 8, 1947; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss spent Sunday at the Pete Lauer home; afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 14, 1947; Page 13 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Burton Holmes and Mary of Des Moines came Saturday afternoon to help Tom Holmes celebrate his 81st birthday. Supper guests in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Howard Campbell and Henry Repplinger, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Holmes and daughter and Maude Holmes.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 21, 1947; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell, Carol and Dorothy, and Doris and Minnie Campbell of Winterset were guests Sunday at the Fred Kloss home in Orient.” ~~Winterset News; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, February 5, 1947; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and children of Macksburg were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; march 25, 1947; Page 6 [4]

“Uriah Clark, who is making his home at the Fred Klos home, has been quite ill, but improved at this time.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 23, 1947; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell. Dave Campbell of Winterset was also visiting Glen’s.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, April 30, 1947; Page 11 [2]

“Earl Clark of Clarks, Neb., came Sunday to get his father U. R. Clark, who has been making an extended visit at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 7, 1947; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mr. And Mrs. Max Stickles of Orient were guests Sunday at the Glen Campbell home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, May 28, 1947; Page 5 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss visited Sunday at the Claude Evans home near Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 11, 1947; Page 9 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans observed their 25th silver wedding anniversary at their home in Macksburg with a cooperative family dinner.  Those attending from Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark and a host of other relatives.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 18, 1947; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell were visitors Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, July 23, 1947; Page 8 [2]

Birthday Dinner Given Sunday
Mrs. Viola McKee entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday, honoring her mother, Mrs. Fred Klos.  Those included in the courtesy who came with well filled dinner baskets were:  Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cooper and Minnie Jane Campbell of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos, Bobby, Donna, Marvin, Karon, and Sara Lou of Afton, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles, Betty Jo, Fredie, Donald and Mark of Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs Glen Campbell, Dorothy, Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Elsie Mae, and Lee of Macksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Norman and Kenneth and niece Neva Anderson of Creston; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and the honored guest Mrs. Fred Klos and husband.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 1, 1947; Page 2 [4]

“Orient residents attending the Clark family reunion in Winterset last Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark, Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene, Mrs. Forest McVay, Mrs. Max Stickles and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and family.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 15, 1947; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter, Frankie and Jimmie, who have been visiting the parental Fred Klos home and other relatives in the community, left for home Monday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 15, 1947; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos entertained at a family dinner Sunday.  Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker, Dean and Deloris of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Lee and Elsie Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell, Dorothy and Carroll all of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Kenneth and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker, all of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles, Betty, Freddie, Donald and Mark of Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evins and Bobby of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene, all of Orient and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 4, 1947; Page 10 [4]

“Mrs. Tom Clark surprised her husband Sunday in honor of his 78th birthday with a dinner.  Those included in the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenleaf.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 10, 1947; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos visited Sunday at the Claude Eivins home at Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 15, 1947; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kingery and son of Newton, Mrs. Josie Kingery and Jane Kingery of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins and family of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and boys of Creston and Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene.

Mrs. Fred Kloss left Sunday evening to spend a few days at the Max Stickels home when they took their son, Donald, to Omaha for a tonsilectony on Monday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 22, 1947; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss entertained Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark, Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kingery of Knoxville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene and Josie Kingery at dinner Sunday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 29, 1947; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Sunday dinner guests at the Max Stickles home near Cromwell.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 14, 1947; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos returned Sunday afternoon after spending the past week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Walker, of Prairie City, Iowa, and with Mr. Klos’ brother, Frank Klos of Newton and they also visiting other relatives.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 19, 1947; Page 12


“Fred Klos was honored by a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of his 74th birthday.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, and children, of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and two sons of Creston and Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene of Orient.  The afternoon was spent socially and the group departing wishing Mr. Klos many happy returns of the day.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 18, 1948; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauer and boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 19, 1948; Page 12 [4]

“Mrs. Anna Hummel, who has been visiting at the Tom Clark and Fred Klos home in Orient returned to her home in Nevada Saturday morning.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 2, 1948; Page 5 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday at the Fred Klos home were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and family of Creston and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Cromwell.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 23, 1948; Page 6 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cooper of Winterset, Minnie Campbell and Ralph Hern of Winterset.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 31, 1948;  Page 7 [4]

“Rev. And Mrs. Judson Perkins were accompanied to Des Moines Tuesday by Mrs. Viola Mckee and Gene and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Rev. Perkins entered the Methodist hospital, where he was to undergo surgery this week.  Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Klos returned Tuesday and Mrs. Perkins remained to be with her husband.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 2, 1948; Page 5 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Kloss home in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and children of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and children of Cromwell, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and son of Creston, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 21, 1948; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient were visitors Sunday at the Glen Campbell home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, May 12, 1948; Page 8 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Campbell of Jamestown, S. D., are visiting at the Glen Campbell home and with other relatives in this vicinity.  Sunday callers at the Glen Campbell home were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Cromwell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 12, 1948; Page 10 [4]

“Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., came Friday afternoon to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, and other relatives in the Orient community.

Those attending the Fathers Day dinner Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient were: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker, Deloris and Dean, Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and Dennis of Prairie City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell , Dorothy and Carroll of Macksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Norman and Kenneth of Creston; Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles, Betty, Freddie, Donald, and Mark of Cromwell, and Viola McKee and Gene, of Orient.  After dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and Lee of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 24, 1948; Page 8 [4]

“Mrs. Charles Lacy of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting at the L. C. McKee home here and with her many friends.  Mrs. Jake Wenzel of Creston and Mrs. Dale McKee of Los Angeles drove to Iowa with her.  Mrs. Dale McKee is visiting at the parental Fred Klos home in Orient and with relatives here.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 26, 1948; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mrs. Dale McKee were visitors Sunday evening with Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 2 1948; Page 3 [4]

“A family dinner in honor of Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., was enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell.  Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Templeton of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and family of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark, Viola McKee and Gene of Orient, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 21, 1948; Page 7 [4]

“Mrs. Josie Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Allen, all of Harland, visited Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 3, 1948, Page 8 [4]

Clark family reunion write up. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 12, 1948; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and family visited Sunday at the Glenn Campbell home in Peru.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 8, 1948; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Sunday guests at the Max Stickles home near Cromwell.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 20, 1948; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos visited Sunday at the Claude Eivins home near Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 27, 1948; Page 8 [4]

“Dinner guests at the T. B. Clark home in Orient Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Okley Cowman and Mrs. Josie Kingery of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield, Mrs. Grace Ramsdell, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Greenleaf and Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos are visiting relatives at Newton and Monroe this week.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 12, 1948; Page 5 [4]

“Word was received that Fred Klos, who has been visiting relatives in Monroe, suffered a heart attack last week but was reported improved and will be able to return to his home this week.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 16, 1948; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauer and sons were Thanksgiving day guests at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 30, 1948; Page 8 [4]

“A large group of relatives gathered at the Fred Klos home Thanksgiving day with well-filled baskets in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and family, who are moving to Denver, Colo., in the near future.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker, Dean, Deloris and Clarence of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Elsie and Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobby of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Norman and Kenneth, Mrs. Elton Hoepker and Cathrine of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels, Betty, Freddie, Donnie and Mark of Cromwell.  Due to failing health Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark were unable to be present but enjoyed the trays taken to them by the family.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 2, 1948; Page 22

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son, Floyd Klos and family of Afton.  Floyd Klos received a painful injury to his foot two weeks ago while loading stocks reported to b improving at this time.

Mrs. Fred Klos and Robert Greenleaf of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clark of Stuart attended the funeral of Jonas Clark at Marshalltown Wednesday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 15, 1948; Page 8 [4]


“R. T. Holmes of Orient celebrated his 82nd birthday Monday and was honored at an oyster supper at the home of Mrs. Elsie Gustason Monday night.  Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsdell and Maude Holmes.  Mrs. Charles Ramsdell baked the birthday cake, which was decorated and topped with the candles.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsell entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss, Elsie Gustafson and Mahlon Hewitt.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 20, 1949; Page 9 [4]

“Fred Klos became ill Sunday night at his home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 10, 1949, Page 8 [4]

“Fred Klos observed his 75th birthday Tuesday at this home in Orient.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans and daughter of Macksburg were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 16, 1949; Page 5 [4]

"Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsdell entertained at a birthday dinner Friday night, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Ramsdell’s sister, Mrs. Elsie Gustason.  Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Weiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Maude Holmes and Jimmy Buchanan and the honored guest.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 2, 1949; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and two daughters of Peru were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 23, 1949; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell and daughter, Carol of Peru were calling on friends here Sunday evening.  They were returning from Orient where they had visited Mrs. Campbell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, March 30, 1949; Page 10 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of near Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and children of Prairie City and Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 30, 1949; Page 6 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.  In the afternoon the group visited the minister and his wife in Nevinville.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 14, 1949; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mrs. Viola McKee spent Thursday with relatives at Monroe.  Mrs. Kloss remained until Sunday to help with the care of relatives, who were ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of near Creston and Gene McKee of Orient were dinner guests Sunday at the Fred Kloss home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 11, 1949; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker, south of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 18, 1949; Page 12 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests at the  Fred Kloss home in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family of Macksburg.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepkler and family of Orient and Harold Eivins and son of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 2, 1949; Page 11 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and son of Prairie City were Sunday visitors in Orient at the Fred Kloss and Viola McKee homes.  They brought Eugene McKee home after he had spent nearly two weeks at their home.

Mrs. Frank Porter and Frankie and Jimmie of Henderson, Nevada, arrived by train in Creston Sunday and will make a visit at the parental Fred Kloss home and with other relatives in Orient and community.

Those attending a pot luck dinner at the Pete Lauer home near Creston, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss, Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene, all of Orient.  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Son, Dean of Prairie City, Mrs. Frank Porter and sons, Frankie and Jimmie of Henderson, Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Elsie Mae and Lee of Macksburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Dike and Mr. and Mrs. Voss all of Prairie City.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children of Prairie City.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 9, 1949; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Viola McKee and Mrs. Frank Porter and son visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins near Macksburg last week.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Wheat Ridge, Colo., were guests of honor at a basket dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  Others present to share the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and children of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and Denny of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and boys of near Creston and Mrs. Forrest McVay and two sons, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 7, 1949; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mrs. Frank Porter and sons spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and family near Afton.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 13, 1949; Page 10 [4]

“In courtesy of the birthdays of Mrs. Fred Klos and daughter, Mrs. Frank Porter a picnic dinner was enjoyed at the Fred Klos home in Orient Sunday.  The gathering also was held as a farewell for Mrs. Frank Porter and sons who are returning to their home in Henderson, Nev., this week after spending the past two months visiting relatives in Orient and community.  Others included in the courtesy were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and Dennis of Prairie City, Mrs. Jane Kingery and Ernest of Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Lee and Elsie of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobbie of Macksburg, Mrs. Frank Porter, Frankie and Jimmie of Henderson, Nebr., A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Norman and Kenneth of near Creston, and Viola McKee and Gene.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenlief and Mrs. Grace Ramsdell, all of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 27, 1949; Page 6 [4]

"Sunday night a group of friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Elsie Gustason in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 3, 1949; Page 7 [4]

“Fred Kloss became quite ill Wednesday morning and a doctor was called.  He will be confined to his bed for a week but is reported improved at this time.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 6, 1949; Page 2 [4]

“Frank Kloss of Newton, Clarence Walker of Prairie City and Jack Clark of Greenfield were callers Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.

Visitors Wednesday at the Fred Kloss home were, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, Mrs. Bud McVey and Velma of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 11, 1949; Page 10 [4]

“Fred Kloss is reported improved and able to be about at this time.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 24, 1949; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru were dinner guests Sunday at the Fred Kloss home in Orient.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, September 14, 1949; Page 10 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos drove to Prairie City Tuesday morning, where they were called by the death of Harriett Andrews, staying until after the funeral and returning Thursday.  While there they visited at the Clarence Walker home.  Also visiting Mr. Klos’ brother at Newton and Mrs. Klos’ three sisters. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 28, 1949; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McKee and daughters of Macksbrug and Mrs. Anna Thomas of Mason City visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and with Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene, all of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 30, 1949; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McKee and Mrs. Anna Thomas spent Sunday afternoon in Orient at the Fred Klos home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 1, 1949; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark at Greenfield.

Dinners guests Sunday at the Tom Clark home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark of Norwalk and Mrs. Etta Clark of Britt.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 26, 1949; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Lee and Elsie Mae were Sunday dinner guests at the parental Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos home n Orient.  They were also afternoon callers with Viola McKee and Eugene.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 3, 1949; Page 8 [4]

“Those that came to help Eugene McKee celebrate his birthday Saturday evening at his home in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons, Norman and Kenneth and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient.  Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by his mother.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 3, 1949; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Dorothy Lauer and Viola McKee drove to Prairie City Thursday where they were dinner guests at the Clarence Walker home.  They also attended the sale of the Andrews estate.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos stayed for a longer visit with Mr. Klos’ brother, Frank Klos, at Newton.  They planned to hunt pheasant while there.  Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City will bring Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos home after a few days’ visit at their home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 19, 1949; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and children of Peru, were visitors Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 28, 1949; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and Elsie Mae spent Sunday in Orient with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, November 30, 1949; Page 10 [2]

“Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee were calling on friends here Monday and attended the James Thomas sale.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 5, 1949, Page 5 [4]

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient called on Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peckum Sunday afternoon.”~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 16, 1949; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Lee, Elsie Mae, Dorothy Campbell and Ralph Herren attended a family dinner at the Fred Kloss home in Orient on Christmas Day.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, December 28, 1949; Page 8 [2]


“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family attended a family Christmas dinner at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 6, 1950; Page 9 [4]

Mrs. Fred Klos had the misfortune of getting her hand in the wringer last week and getting a severe injury.  But is reported to be recovering satisfactorily.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 12, 1950; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were visitors with Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene Sunday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 27, 1950; Page 3 [4]

“Fred Kloss of Orient observed his 76th birthday on Wednesday, February 15.  His daughter, Viola McKee presented hime with a birthday cake and spent a part of the afternoon with him.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 22, 1950; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family of Macksburg were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 25, 1950; Page 5 [4]

“Mrs. Elsie Gustason of Orient was honored Friday night, when several neighbors came in to help her celebrate her birthday.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moon, Maude Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramsdell, Vera Gustason and Howard Campbell. The evening was spent with cards and socially.  Refreshments were served laster in the evening.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 2, 1950; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons, near Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 4, 1950; Page 3 [4]

“Dinner guests at the Fred Kloss home in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons from near Creston, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 22, 1950; Page 3 [4]

“Sunday dinners guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Lee and Elsie Mae were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Later and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rywick, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, May 17, 1950; Page 7 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Clark of Stuart visited at the Fred Klos home and with T. B. Clark Saturday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 1, 1950; Page 8 [4]

“Those enjoying a family dinner Sunday at the Glen Campbell home at Peru, were  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Tom Clark, and Viola McKee all of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City and Eugene McKee, who had spent the past week visiting at the Clarence Walker home in Prairie City returned to his home with his mother, Mrs. Viola McKee.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 8, 1950; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark of Greenfield visited Sunday afternoon at the Robert Greenlief, Fred Klos and Tom Clark homes in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 13, 1950: Page 5 [4]

"Mr. and Mrs, George Clark and Opal of Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Weiss were dinner guests at the Charles Ramsdell home.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Tom Clark were afternoon callers. 

About a dozen neighbors and friends surprised Mrs. Fred Klos Saturday evening, honoring her birthday.  Cards were played during the evening and refreshments were served later.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 3, 1950; Page 6 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday at the Fred Klos home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell and daughters of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of Creston, Eugene McKee of Orient and Mrs. Frank Porter of Henderson, Nev.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Ryswyke of Prairie City, and Viola McKee.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 9, 1950; Page 10 [4]

“Mrs. Frank Porter of Henderson, Nev., arrived by auto in Orient Wednesday noon for a few days’ visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and with other relatives in the Orient vicinity.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 9, 1950; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. Tom Clark, Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient and Mrs. Frank Porter of Henderson, Nev., attended the Clark reunion at the Winterset park Sunday.  Fred Klos was the eldest guest present and Mrs. Frank Porter came from the farthest distance. Eugene McKee met his mother at the reunion and accompanied her home after a week’s vacation with relatives in Prairie City.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 16, 1950; Page 5 [4]

Klos family reunion ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 12, 1950; Page 8 [2]

“Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Tom Clark attended the family reunion at the Winterset park Sunday.  Mr. Clark was the eldest member present.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 25, 1950; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Tom Clark of Orient and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and boys of near Creston spent Sunday visiting at the Clarence Walker home at Prairie City.  Tom Clark remained for an extended visit.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 14, 1950; Page 5 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Klos received word Saturday that her brother, Tom Clark, who has been visiting in the home of his sister, Mrs. Jane Kingery at Monroe, suffered a stroke Saturday.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee drove to Monroe on Sunday where they found him responding to treatment.  Mr. and Mrs. Klos remained to assist with his care.  Monday morning they called their daughter, Mrs. Viola McKee at Orient reporting that Mr. Clark had become worse and was take to Still hospital in Des Moines Sunday night.  His condition is poor.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 27, 1950; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  In the afternoon the group visited with Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 21, 1950; Page 8 [4]

“Visitors Sunday at the Frank James home were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sherriff, Mr. and Mrs. Jud Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hardin, Cortie Bowen, Dale Lauer, Mr. and Mrs. Alvie James, Mr. and Mrs. Lester James, Todd Wilson and Rev. David Nelson, Mrs. Fred Kloss and Rev. Raybourn.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 24, 1950; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans of Macksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Gene McKee was an afternoon caller.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 7, 1950; Page 12 [4]

Public Sale for the late Tom Clark, Owner Minnie Klos ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 7, 1950; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos received word Saturday of the illness of Mr. Klos’ brother, Fred Klos, of Newton.  They went Sunday to visit him and with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 21, 1950; Page 19 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee received word that her uncle, Frank Klos, of Newton, died Monday evening.  Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, went to be with him the last of the week.  Mr. Klos died in the Newton hospital of complications resulting from a fall about three weeks ago.  He was a retired masonry contractor and lived in Jasper county most of his life.  Funeral services will be held Thursday at the Johnson-Murdock funeral home in Newton.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 26, 1950; Page 6 [4]

“Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer wee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Wheat Ridge, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family of Peru, Lee Evans of Macksburg and Richard Thompson of Cromwell.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans and family of Macksburg and Viola and Gene McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 28, 1950; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Wheatridge, Colo., arrived in Orient Thursday at 7 a.m.  They made the trip by car.  Mrs. Stickles accompanied her sister, Mrs. Viola McKee, to Macksburg Thursday morning where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and sons.  They drove to Newton to attend the funeral of their uncle, Frank Klos.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos who had been in Newton returned with them to Orient Thursday night.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 29, 1950; Page 5 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons near Creston.  Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and sons of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children of Colorado and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hoepker and children of Creston.  Afternoon callers were Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene, who remained for the evening as well as Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and children.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 4, 1951; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of Creston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 6, 1951; Page 8 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss will observe their golden wedding anniversary with open house at their home Jan. 23.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 11, 1951; page 5 [4]

“50th wedding anniversary ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, January 17, 1951; Page 12

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient observed their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday with open house in the afternoon.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 24, 1951; Page 5 [4]

A napkin from the 50th anniversary celebration. [1]



A ribbon from the 50th anniversary celebration. [1]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence VanRyswyk of Des Moines visited Sunday at the Fred Klos and Viola McKee homes here.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 14, 1951; Page 5 [4]

“Fred Klos observed his 77th birthday Thursday, at a dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of near Creston.  Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient were guests.  He was presented with a decorated birthday cake.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 24, 1951; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 8, 1951; Page 6 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos to Newton Tuesday, where they were called by illness of Mrs. Klos’ sister, Mrs. Frank Klos at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lentz.  Mrs. McKee returned Wednesday, Mrs. Klos remained for several days to assist with the care of her sister.  Mr. Klos is visiting in the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker at Prairie City.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 4, 1951, page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth of near Creston were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  In the afternoon the group, accompanied by Mrs. Viola McKee, drove to Winterset to visit Mrs. Ralph Herren and baby at the hospital.  Mrs. Herren is the granddaughter of Mrs. and Mrs. F. Klos, the baby a great granddaughter.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 25, 1951; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 26, 1951; Page 4 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and baby of Macksburg.  Mrs. Viola McKee was an afternoon caller.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 9, 1951; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins and family at Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 31, 1951; Page 6 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee, telephone operators here returned Monday afternoon after spending a week’s vacation in Illinois.  She spent the first of last week on Monmouth, Beardstown and Bluffs, in Illinois.  Upon her return she was accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, to Jasper county where they visited with relatives in and around Newton, returning home Sunday night.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 18, 1951; Page 10 [4]

Those from Orient attending a family picnic at the Winterset park on Sunday, July 29, to help observe the birthday of Mrs. Fred Klos from Orient, were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons, Carolyn Kepley, Mrs. Forrest McVey and son Danny, Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene and the honored guest and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 1, 1951; Page 9 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos to Newton Saturday morning where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Klos’ sister, Mrs. Lora Klos in the morning and in the afternoon they drove on to Marshalltown where they attended the funeral of a nephew of Mrs. Klos, Vernal Clark.  They were over night visitors with their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker at Prairie City, retuning to their homes in Orient Sunday evening.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; Augusts 16, 1951; Page 6 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston and Gene McKee of Orient.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb of Creston, and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children of near Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 20, 1951; Page 11 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Sunday visitors at the one of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoekler south of Orient.  The occasion was to help celebrate the birthdays of Mr. Hoepkler’s mother, Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and her twin sister, Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru.  There were 35 present to share in a cooperative dinner at noon and an afternoon of visiting. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 29, 1951; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Derrick of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Claypool of Afton and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mrs. Pete Lauer and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient were among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the seven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kingery.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 31, 1951; Page 9 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient were, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and family of Afton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and daughter of Peru, Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene, and Lee Eivins, who is home on leave from San Diego, Calif.   Afternoon callers were Mr. and Ms. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and baby of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 24, 1951; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos had as their dinner guests Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins and son, Lee, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene.  Lee Evins who has been home on furlough from the armed forces, is returning to his camp in San Diego, Calif.  He will return by car and will be accompanied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins.  They plan to visit relatives enroute at Los Vegas, and in Compton, Calif.  Mr. and Mrs. Evins will return by train. They plan to also visit with Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles in Wheat Ridge, Colo., enroute home.  They expect to be in their home by Christmas.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 8, 1951; Page 8 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient entertained Christmas Day.  Dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claud Evins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Norman and Kenneth of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos, Dona and Cynthia of Afton and Viola McKee and Gene of Orient.
Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evins and Bobby and Mr. And Mrs. Clarence Lamb and Janet of Creston.  The afternoon was spent with a Christmas gift exchange.  Pictures were taken and a social afternoon held.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 3, 1952; Page 3 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene had as their dinner guests Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Following dinner the group spent the afternoon socially and taking pictures.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 3, 1952; Page 12 [4]

Mrs. Ed Goetz was hostess to the members of the Kensington club on Jan. 2.  There were 15 members and one guest, Mrs. Fred Klos, present a social afternoon.  Refreshments were served later.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 9, 1952; Page 5 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Klos received word Saturday of the death of her brother, Uriah Clark in Clark, Nebr.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 18, 1952; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Ryswyk of Runnells, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.  In the afternoon the women visited at the Creston hospital with Helen McVey.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 24, 1952; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Peru were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  Mrs. Viola McKee was an afternoon visitor.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 6, 1952; Page 3 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Klos entertained friends Friday evening in honor of her husband’s 78th birthday.  The evening was spent playing cards.  Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were enjoyed. Those present were Mrs. Elsie Gustason, Howard Campbell and Henry Repplinger.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and baby of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of near Creston and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.  The occasion honored the birthday of Mr. Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 20, 1952; Page 3 [4]

“Mrs. Ralph Herron and Connie called on her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient Sunday afternoon.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 2, 1952; Page 6 [4]

Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans and their granddaughter, Kathryn Hoepker of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru and their granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and daughter of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of near Creston and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker to their home in Prairie City for a few days visit.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 9, 1952; Page 12 [4]

“Howard Campbell was pleasantly surprised in honor of his 69ths birthday Friday night when a group of neighbors and friends came in to help him celebrate the occasion.  The evening was spent playing canasta, and delicious refreshments were served later in the evening.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sychra, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nash, Henry Repplinger and Harry Buckmiller.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 30, 1952; Page 7 [4]

Attended the funeral of J. G. Harrison ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 8, 1952; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins of Macksburg and Keith and James Hoepker of Orient, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 15, 1952; Page 8 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Ryswyk of Runnells.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 15, 1952; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons of Creston were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family at Peru.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 6, 1952; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient and Mrs. Pete Lauer of near Creston accompanied Mrs. Viola McKee to Newton on Friday where they  attended the funeral of Louie Hummell,” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 13, 1952; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient attended a Kloss family reunion and basket dinner at noon at the Winterset park on Sunday, June 15.  Others present include Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Norman and Carolyn Kepley of Creston community, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and family of Afton, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivans and Bobby of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 18 1952; Page 3 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins of Macksburg, Mr. an d Mrs. Elton Hoepker and family of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 10, 1952; Page 8 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos drove to Prairie City last Monday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker.  Tuesday they drove to Newton to attend the funeral of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Hummel.  They returned home on Wednesday.
Gene McKee of Dennison spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Viola McKee in Orient. On Sunday they were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 6, 1952; Page 2 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 6, 1952; Page 3 [4]

“The members of the Kensington club met at the home of Mrs. Ed Goetz on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 8 with 14 members and two guests, Ada Stickles and Mrs. Fred Kloss.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 14, 1952; Page 8 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Soran Clausen of Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris of Boone and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 24, 1952; Page 8 [4]

California Visitor Guest in Klos Home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient are being visited by their daughter, Mrs. Dale McKee from Compton, Calif., who accompanied a nephew, Lee Eivins, by auto arriving here Wednesday morning.  Lee Eivins is in the service and is spending a 20-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins at Macksburg.  Mrs. Dale McKee will visit with her sister, Mrs. Viola McKee as well as with other sisters and their families in the community.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 23, 1952; Page 16 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston vicinity were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 24, 1952; Page 2 [4]

“Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobby of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 24, 1952; Page 7 [4]


“The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient gathered at their home Sunday with a basket dinner.  Those attending were Lee Eivins of Macksburg, who is on leave from the navy, son of Mr. and Mrs Claude Eivins, of Macksburg; Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., Mr and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Kenneth and Norman, Carolyn Kepley of near Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herren and daughter of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and daughters of Afton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobby of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 5, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, Viola McKee and Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., who is visiting here were afternoon visitors at the Floyd Klos home in Afton, and in Winterset with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cooper and new son, Mrs. Cooper and baby had been released from the hospital recently.  He was been names Larry Wayne and is a great, great grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Dale McKee were Christmas Day guests at the Clarence Walker home near Prairie City, Dean Walker, their son had returned home from the Lutheran Hospital where he has been for ten days with a cut which had been received in a buzz-saw accident recently.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 5, 1953; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Peru were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.  Mrs. Viola McKee and Gene were afternoon visitors.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 14, 1953; Page 9 [4]

“Fred Klos is also reported to be on the sick list and confined to his bed.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 10, 1953; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and Opal spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Elsie Gustason in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 1, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hummell and son Louie of Newton visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.
Mr. Fred Klos is reported to be showing improvement and able to be about his home.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 30, 1953; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and sons in the Creston vicinity.  Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 1, 1953; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans of Macksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb of Creston visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 10, 1953; Page 9 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and daughters of Afton visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 17, 1953; Page 3 [4]

“Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eivins and family of Afton.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 9, 1953; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient enjoyed a family dinner on Sunday in honor of Mothers day.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Van Ryswyk of Runnells, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauer and Norman, Carolyn Kepley, Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.  The afternoon was spent taking pictures and visiting.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 22, 1953; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Soren Close of Harlan were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.  Mrs. Viola McKee was a visitor in the afternoon.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 4, 1953; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell and Carol of Peru and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cooper and Larry were Sunday dinners guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herren and daughters.  Carol stayed to spend some time in the Herren home.  Evening callers included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 10, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos accompanied Ms. Viola McKee and Eugene to Macksburg where they were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and family.  Others present to enjoy Father’s day dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauer and son of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and family of Prairie City; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins, and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and famly, all of Macksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and daughter and grandson of Peru; and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and daughter of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 26, 1953; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston community were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  In the afternoon the folks visited with Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 17, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herren, Connie and Carla visited Sunday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient. ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, July 19, 1953; Page 11 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans of Macksburg were Sunday dinner guests in Orient with Mr and Mrs. Fred Klos.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. A. L. Mayes and Mrs. Viola McKee.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 7, 1953; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City were dinner guests last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Klos for a weeks visit in their home with other relatives in Newton and Monroe.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 20, 1953; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient enjoyed very much having their children home for a family dinner on Sunday, August 30th.
Those present to enjoy the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and family of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Peru, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivans of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and Janice of Creston. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and family of Afton, Mrs. Forrest McVey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth of Creston rural, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and daughters of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.
Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and sons of Wheatridge, Colorado, and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepher and children of near Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 5, 1953; Page 8 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Peru and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient.  Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and Bobby of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 17, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Former Orient Girl Marries
A former Orient girl, Betty Stickles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Wheatridge, Colo. was married in Raton, N. M. On Sept. 13, to Dean Grosson of Kansas.  They plan to live in Wheatridge where they have employment.  Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Mrs. Ada Stickles all of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 6, 1953; Page 2 [4]

Mrs. Fred Kloss attended the “variety shower” for Mrs. Norman Lauer. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; Novmember 14, 1953; Page 4 [4]

“Leo E. Eivins of the United States Navy and his new bride, Doris, of November 1st, were dinner guests at the home of Fred Klos in Orient on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Viola McKee were Sunday evening visitors at the Claude Eivins home near Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 17, 1953; Page 5 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Soren Clausen of Harlan, were visitors Sunday at the Fred Klos home in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 19, 1953; Page 14 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston rural and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lauer of Creston were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.  Sunday evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 8, 1953; Page 3 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Mrs. Viola McKee were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 8, 1954; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Orient rural, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lauer of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and children of Macksburg and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 20, 1954; Page 8 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their callers on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and Janet of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins and children of Macksburg and Maude Holmes of Orient.  Mr. Kloss has been on the sick list the past week; but is reported to be some improved at this time.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 24, 1954; Page 11 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City visited the parental Fred Klos home in Orient on Wednesday afternoon.  Other  visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Peru, Iowa.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 31, 1954; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Hummel and Louie of Newton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 31, 1954; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Clausen of Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston community.  Afternoon visitors were Mrs. Elsie Gustason and Mrs. Bob Moon and Kathy.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 7, 1954; Page 6 [4]

“Fred Kloss who has been under the weather this winter and spring is able to be about again.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 10, 1954; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient has as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston community, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carroll of Winterset and Mrs. Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 13, 1954; Page 12 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickels and family of Wheatridge, Colo., arrived Thursday night for a visit with Mrs. Stickels’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient and other relatives in the community.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 12, 1954; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herren and children called on Fred Kloss Thursday evening in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 21, 1954; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. Fred Klos, who has been seriously ill the past few weeks, is reported to be showing some improvement, he is able to be up for his meals and sits up a part of the time.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 23, 1954; Page 8 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient had as their dinner guests on Father’s Day, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and Janet of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth of Orient rural, Viola McKee of Orient, Carol Campbell of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Clausen of Harlan, and Mrs. Frank Porter, Jimmy and Frankie of Henderson, Nev.  Their evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Winterset, Mrs. John Templeton of Valley Park, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas of Macksburg.  Mr. Klos is able to be up part of the day and enjoys having visitors again.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 23, 1954; Page 6 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient were, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Zion, and Mrs. Frank Porter, Jimmie and Frankie.  Afternoon citistors were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ecins [Eivins] of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lauer and Maxiene Kepley of Creston, and Carol Campbell and Viola McKee of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 1, 1954; Page 9 [4]

“Mrs. Frank Porter, Jim and Frankie of Henderson, Nev., left Monday by train for their home after spending a month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos, and assisting with the care of her father, who is reported to be showing improvement and able to be up and out doors a while each day.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 8, 1954; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Winterset and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos of Orient were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herren.  Dorothy Later was at afternoon called at the Herren home.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, August 18, 1954; Page 13 [2]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer, Mrs. Forest McVay and sons of Thayer and Mrs. Viola McKee.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa;  October 1, 1954; Page 7 [4]

"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Viola McKee of Orient and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston spent the day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and son at Prairie City.  En route home they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and family near Winterset.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 8, 1954; Page 4 [4]

“On Sunday a family dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss.  Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herron and family of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Winterset,  Mr. and Mrs. Soren Clausen of Harlan, and Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 5, 1954; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hayes [A. L. Mayes] of Beardstown, Ill., came Friday night and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and Eugene McKee in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 8, 1954; Page 11 [4]


Observe 54th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss of Orient observed their 54th wedding anniversary on Sunday;  their dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer and Kenneth of Creston.  Their evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eivins all of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and daughter of Creston; and Mrs. Elton Hoepker and children of Zion.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; January 26, 1955; Page 4 [4]

“Mrs. Viola McKee and Eugene of Beardstown, Ill., came Friday night to spend the weekend with Mrs. McKee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 23, 1955; Page 10 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos has a their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. George Lantz and Stella of Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eivins of Creston.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and family of Afton and Burt Holmes of Des Moines.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 28, 1955; Page 8 [4]

“Dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb and Janet of Creston,  and Mr. and Mrs. Mzx Stickles and family of Afton. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and family of Afton.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 10, 1955; Page 2 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Mayes of Beardstown, Ill, Mrs. Frank Porter of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 1, 1955; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Illinois came Saturday morning for a visit with Mrs. Mayes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos and other relatives in the community.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 11, 1955; Page 7 [4]

Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., and Eugene McKee of Des Moines.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 12, 1955; Page 2 [4]

Attended the funeral of Mrs. Bessie McVay. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 22, 1955; Page 2 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston and Eugene McKee of Des Moines.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 10, 1955; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., came Friday night to spend Christmas with Mrs. Mayes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 29, 1955; Page 3 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss had as their dinner guests on Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell and Carol of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and boys of Afton, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Klos and family of Afton, Mrs. Velma McVey, Johnny and Larry of Afton.  Evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eivins of Denver, Colorado.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; December 29, 1955; Page 10 [4]


“Visitors Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos were their sone Floyd Klos and family of Afton, Eugene McKee of Des Moines and Guy Ray of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 29, 1956; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown Ill., came Saturday morning to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.  Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg spent Saturday at the Kloss home and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer of Creston and Mrs. A. L. Mayes and Gene McKee were present.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 24, 1956; Page 3 [4]

“Eugene McKee of Des Moines visited over the weekend at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 28, 1956; Page 9 [4]

“Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Dean of Prairie City and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburge. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles of Afton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Winterset, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lamb of Creston.

Mrs. Viola Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., returned to her home Saturday morning after spending the past week here assisting with the care of her father who remains about the same.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 28, 1956; Page 10 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., came Wednesday for a few days visit in Orient with Mrs. Mayes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klos.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; June 11, 1956; Page 6 [4]

Mrs. Dale McKee of Compton, Calif., arrived last Wednesday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in orient, as well as with other relatives in the community.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 12, 1956; Page 5 [4]

“Eugene McGee of Des Moines spent the weekend at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss and with other relatives.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 23, 1956; Page 7 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., came Wednesday to spend the balance of the week with Mrs. Mayes parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.  Mr. Kloss has not been well.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; August 21, 1956; Page 2 [4]

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., came Friday and spent until Saturday night with Mrs. Mayes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 19, 1956; Page 5 [4]

“Dinner guests at the Fred Kloss home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker of Prairie City, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stickles and family of Afton.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kloss and daughters of Aston and Mrs. Dorothy Lauer and Jimmy of Creston.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 26, 1956; Page 5 [4]

Obit for Fred Kloss [see below under Obituries] Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 16, 1956; Page 1 [4]

“Rites Friday for Fred Kloss, 82
Funeral services for Fred Kloss, 82, will b held at the Methodist church in Orient at 10 a. M. Friday.  Rev. John Latte will officiate.  His body will be taken to Monroe, Ia., for burial.  Mr. Kloss’ body will be at the family home in Orient until time for the funeral services. He died at his home in Orient Tuesday morning.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 17, 1956; Page 1 [4]

Fred Klos Obituary and card of thanks. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 27, 1956; Page 5 [4]

Mrs. Minnie Klos attended the Golden Wedding anniversary for J. L. Clark. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 31, 1956; Page 5 [4]

“Mrs. Minnie Klos spent the past week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker at Prairie City.  They returned her to her home on Sunday.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; November 20, 1956; Page 7 [4]


“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker of Monroe, and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lauer were dinner guests Sunday with Mrs. Minnie Kloss in Orient.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; February 23, 1957; Page 4 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eivins of Macksburg visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fred Kloss in Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 5, 1957; Page 2 [4]

“Mrs. Fred Klos had as her dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Des Moines, Mrs. Minnie Jane Templeton and daughter Debrah of Winterset, Mrs. Elsie Gustason and Mr. Charles Ramsell.  Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Max Stickles and family of Afton, Mrs. Ada Stickles of Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs. Bertha Clark of Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; April 17, 1957; Page 7 [4]

Honorary Coffee Given for Kloss
Mrs. Ed Goetz honored Mrs. Fred Kloss with a farewell coffee recently.  Since Mrs Kloss will soon be moving to Monroe, the group presented Mrs. KLoss with a gift of remembrance of the Orient friends.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; September 12, 1957; Page 11

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker have purchased the former Marshall Charles residence, with will be occupied by Mrs. Walker’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Klos formerly of Orient.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, October 10, 1957; Page 1 [3]

“Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., spent Monday visiting with old friends in Orient.  They are on a vacation and spent the past four days visiting Mrs. Mayes mother, Mrs. Minnie Kloss at Monroe where she moved recently from Orient.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; October 17, 1957; Page 4


“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Mrs. Fred Klos were in Creston Thursday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans who were ill. ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, February 6, 1958; Page 1 [3]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Mrs. Fred Klos spent Wednesday in Marburg with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans.  Mrs. Klos remained with her daughter and son-in-law for a longer visit.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, March 6, 1958; Page 6 [3]

“Mrs. Minnie Kloss of Monroe, Ia., spent the weekend with relatives and friends here [Orient]. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 10, 1958; Page 8 [4]

Minnie Klos attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenlief. ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; March 11, 1958; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker of Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker and Mrs. Minnie Klos were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, April 3, 1958; Page 1 [3]

“Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker and Mrs. Minnie Klos visited Saturday in Creston and Lorimor in the Claude Evans, Glen Campbell, Max Spickles and Peter Lauer homes.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, April 17, 1958; Page 1 [3]

Minnie Klos 77th birthday celebration ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, July 23, 1958; Page 10 [2]

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayes of Beardstown, Ill., came Saturday afternoon for a visit with relatives.  They also visited Mrs. Mayes’ mother, Mrs. Minnie Kloss at Monroe, and with relatives in Lorimor.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; July 26, 1958; Page 6 [4]

“Mr. and Mrs. Claude Evans of Creston and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans and Johnny of Waterloo were overnight guests Thursday of Mrs. Fred Klos.  They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, September 11, 1958; Page 3 [3]

“Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Lorimor spent the week end with Mrs. Fred Klos and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, October 23, 1958; Page 1 [3]


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker were hosts Christmas for a Christmas dinner and gift exchange.  Guests were Mrs. Minnie Klos, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Ryswyk, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker and baby.” ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, January 1, 1959; Page 8 [3]

“Mrs. Ralph Herren received word that her grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Klos of Monroe, had suffered a severe heart attack and is in the hospital at Knoxville.” ~~Winterset Madisonian; Winterset, Iowa; Wednesday, April 22, 1959; Page 17 [2]

Minnie Kloss Obiturary ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 16, 1959; Page 4 [4]

Life Story of Minnie Klos ~~Monroe Mirror; Monroe, Iowa; Thursday, May 21, 1959; Page 1 [3]

“Those from Orient attending the funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Kloss at Monroe, were Mrs. Gertrude Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenleaf, Mrs. Bertha Clark and Mrs. Ella Goeta.” ~~Creston News Advertiser; Creston, Iowa; May 29, 1959; Page 7 [4]










[1]  Printed in: Monroe Mirror, published in Monroe, Iowa on Thursday, May 21st, 1959, Page 1 [3]

[1] Printed in: Monroe Mirror, published in Monroe, Iowa on Thursday, May 21st, 1959, Page 1 [3]





Monroe Cemetery (aka Silent City Cemetery), Monroe, Iowa[1]

Monroe Cemetery (aka Silent City Cemetery), Monroe, Iowa




Further webpages that may be of interest:


  1. Personal collection




  5. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1880, Iowa [microform]; Publisher Washington : National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; Digitizing sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center; Reel 0346 - 1870 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Jasper County; Internet Archive (

  6. Macksburg and Neighbors Book 1; 1999; Pages 59 - 61

  7. Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1900, Iowa [microform]; Publisher Washington : National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; Digitizing sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center; Reel 439 - 1900 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Jasper County; Internet Archive (

  8. National Archives

  9. "Iowa State Census, 1895", database with images, FamilySearch ( : Thu Jul 20 21:46:46 UTC 2023), Entry for Frank Kloss and Laura Kloss, 1895.

  10. Population schedules of the 13th census of the United States, 1910, Iowa [microform]; Publisher Washington : National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; Digitizing sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center; Reel 407 - 1910 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Jasper County; Internet Archive ( Also available at Family Search.

  11. Population schedules of the 14th census of the United States, 1920, Iowa [microform]; Publisher Washington : National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration; Digitizing sponsor: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center; Reel 499 - 1920 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules - Madison County; Internet Archive (

  12. 15th census, population, 1930, Iowa [microform]; United States. Bureau of the Census; United States. National Archives and Records Administration; Volume: Reel 667-1930 Iowa Federal Population Census Schedules -Madison EDs 61-1 to 61-12 Mahaska EDs 62-1 to 62-31; Internet Archive (

  13. 16th Federal population census, 1940, Iowa, Adair County, ED 1-14, Page 6A, National Archives

  14. 17th Federal Population Census, 1950, Iowa, Adair County, ED 1-16, Sheet 2, National Archives